Thursday, January 19, 2012

Dear friends,
 Happy 2012!!
  This past days have reminded me of how grateful I feel. So I want to share my joy with you.
Is been a VERY happy new year for us. Lots of new projects and all ready lots of new experiences.

 We made it to Spain!!! His grace is been sufficient!!!

 Moving from one country to another is been a total challenge. We are grateful for all of you who help us move here. Is been a blessing to have you in our lives.
  Spain has  received us with open arms to hear the gospel. Many of Natan's friends from kindergarten and high school have reconnected with him and they have been our first contacts here. They been very curious about the Bible and the believes we have. Some of them have said that they are hungry to hear about Jesus. We know some of them are just pure curious, but we also know that God uses even their own curiosity so they can hear the good news. We have share the gospel with them. Now we are in the waiting stage, hoping to see soon enough God's work in their lives.

We spend from the end of October 2011 till January the 7th 2012 in Elche, Alicante Spain. We have a place there, that we can use as long as we are in that area.

The new year brought us a job!!! I was contacted by an English academy in Granda. They offered me a substitution job for 2 weeks. I was so excited. I was to have a job!!!

 So the plan was:

 I was to stay to work in Granada in the English academy and live with Miriam (a girl from the church of Elche who is an art student in Granada. She rents a room in a house of 2 other girls). While Natan was going to try to find a more stable job and hopefully by the end of my 2 work weeks, we could move completely to Granada and began our projects here. But, since we all know God has a funny way to provide and direct our lives. I only had the job for 3 days... When they were about to give me a job contract, they could not get me through the system.

I was told in the immigration office that with my temporary ID, I "could “work... So here we go again, my papers get me into trouble... So my boss told me that I could not work for her with those legal issues.
During my 3 days of work, my boss took a liking for me. I know that the only reason for her to like me and have the urge to help us, was because we have God in our side... So she offered the job to Natan!!!  She said that she felt the need to offer the job to Natan. I know it was God's hand handling the situation. With God is always a win, win. One thing was resolve!!!

Now that Natan needed to stay, we needed to find a place for him. So, we started the search for a place to rent... We have found an inn were we can stay for 2 weeks!!! We are SO thankful for this place.  One more thing has been solve!!!

There has been ups and downs. Is been a hard experience. The world is mess up. We been miss leaded and lie to, we have been wet and cold.  But we truly trust in God that what we been through, this passed days God can use for his glory...

This experience has open my eyes more widely to see the simple beauty that surrounds us and we can hardly appreciate in our day to day lives. Is been a joy to find rest in the arms of my saviour. Is been comforting to find hints of God in his creation. 

There is an eternity that we hope to see one day. And while we are here if we hold his hand, he will never leave us not forsake us.

For us there is only one thing to work for, share his good news and live a life that screams his glories grace.

Please, keep us in your prayers. Help us pray for my marriage certificatean get a proper ID and get a Please pray for a job for Natan and more importantly help us pray for our  growth in God’s word.
With much love

                                                                     Keren & Natan Abellan.

The great Call of God comes to us most inescapably in our darkest night. It is then that our implicit faith in the light we thought we had received must reassert itself. We treasure His call and we then look humbly for his comfort (which will surely come, in God’s time and way).

 Without darkness and pain we will not be transformed into the image of Christ. His was the way of pain. Our obedience in following Him even there is the stamp and seal of truthfulness, genuineness, the reality of what we profess.

 ~Elisabeth Elliot in “Joy in Exchange for Pain“

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