Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday meeting

Hi friends!
This is a picture of the group reunion we had two a sundays ago. We truly enjoyed our time with them.
Natan planed some games for us, he wrote two songs to share and prepared a topic to debate. We were able to expose our believes and we had a debate, wich gave us a lot of inside to think about. We are very thankful for the chance to share time with them and grow to know each other better. I will be posting the issue we shared with them soon!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The process of my new Flower Vases!!!

Hi friend! Just wanted to share this project I have done:) hope you like it.

Nee Flower vases!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012

This is a group of friends from Nathan's years in School.
They've known each other for like 15 years!!
We have been working in evangelizing them.
Most of them have now heard the gospel and now we are trying to keep up talking to them and see if God wants to open their eyes for his glory.
This sunday, most of them will come to our house to spend some time with us.
Pray for us and them.